Crazy Stupid Love or is it ?


Vulnerable,like the Achilles Heel,
The hormones rush a thousand hurricane strong,
No sense of right ,wrong, thought or reason.
Lost in translation,unconscious of time or space.

Afraid and Fearless,Trance and Validity;
Having wings but no where to flee,
The sense of belonging in thy lover’s arms,
The bounded desire of eternity,
As the angel of serenity whispers in thy ears sweet melody.

Ask any sinner and he can tell,
How beautiful sometimes a sin can be.

Thy life in someone else’s hand ?
All that limitless power to hurt ;
Is Love worthy of the cost ?

It feeds upon the power of the soul in its pristine form,
Love removes the Self from the equation;
Lifts the veil of greed and ego.

Once thy love,the heart turns pious,
Be not afraid ,
To return to the world magic and mystery;
Open thy heart to love my friend,
For its something even angels would die to feel.

Disclaimer :Love makes the world go round but we are so afraid to open our hearts to it ! I guess the message is pretty clear- even in the heart most full of hatred ,there is a tiny bit of love,the misdirected love that continues to power the hated.I do not own the  picture .Its a freeware.The poetry is mine.Feel free to share it under creative commons in case you like it and pls do drop by comments to share your views

Love n Peace \/

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