AI – let us end this debate once and for all

I am sick to my stomach at this point – reading ,hearing, words screaming into my eardrums how AI will will replace us ? Sick of being afraid , i want to puke – wrench out our fear, insecurities and replace it in my gut with passion, curiosity and excitement ! ( I heard that the later is much better for my gut health )

But jokes apart – what happened to us ? And by us i mean us as a specie. We were meant to inventors, explorers , pioneers and we are afraid of some silicon sitting in a cloud storage to replace us ?

Us – the only conscious specie in the whole universe and trust me we have looked far and deep. Ask a cosmologist and he will tell you ,if you change the scale of the universe to just a day(24 hours) (that is 13.5 billion years – yes , that is a lot of time the universe had time to think about life ) , we as a specie have existed for less than a second ! And look what we done in that time frame , we have explored far and wide into the depth of time ,in deep dark space where nothing has ever been before and we could not find any other signs of life.

Look what we have done in that time – we have gone from living in the forest ,right from Neolithic age ,to discovering fire , to invent farming(yes, i said invent not discover !), conquered many aspects of nature, invented electricity , gone to the moon and beyond , understood how the universe was created , prolonged our lives, found cures that we could not fathom a century back and created computers !

You see , creating computers and creating machines that think like us, act like us was the next natural thing us to do. It is the power of associativity. Instead of looking at AI and using its computing powers to solve our problems – i feel sick when we constantly when it is looked up as our enemy, our demise – causing us perpetual disaster. I do not know who are the internet pundits who came up with that idea but i am sure ,it was driven by fear, deep deep sense of fear.

What are we really afraid of ? Losing our jobs, struggling to keep food on the table for our families ? Whatever happened to faith ? Faith in our ability to learn and do better – faith in our strength. We have got brain in our head, feet in our shoes – so what are we afraid of ? Why are we so afraid to learn something new , be explorers again , get out of that comfort and safe zone.

Did we lose our jobs when we started using calculators ? When we set up factories during the industrial age, when we invented computers ? No , we found something new and did old things better, faster, more efficiently. We are now at the cusp of AI revolution – what are we so afraid of this time around ?

When did we start to become so insecure about ourselves ? Lose faith in our abilities.The wheel did not replace us when started carrying logs home to burn wood from the jungle, it saved our time so we could spend time with our families, it made us more efficient. So why do we thing that this time around that something far more inferior and less complex than the marvel called human brain would replace us ? History has a strange way of repeating itself.

I am not saying it is for everyone and i am not saying it is going to be afraid. We have to learn to adapt to this new reality but the age of AI is already here , weather we like it or not – is it not better to embrace it and reclaim our old faith again rather than live a life of constant fear, embrace the immutability of the situation ?

Let us learn to walk again, to run again, together – as a specie, and let us explore the hidden mysteries of the universe. After all, isn’t that what the “Chief Designer” would have liked us to do ?

PS – No AI tools were used to write this /s

#AI #inspiration #debate