
They say the secret to a healthy day begins with a healthy meal.Now if there is anyone who knows to make breakfast delicious other than my mom (of course !)it has to be at the Guptas.Oh i forgot to introduce – Guptaji is our new neighbor.

He has that old classy Bajaj Chetak that still reminds of the good old days when we used to have that old scooter in our house.The kids nowadays understand the definition of scooter to be their classy posh automatic start feather light vehicles but in our days it meant something entirely different.It meant being with the family.It meant kick starting on winter mornings at least 20 times.Oh those were the days ! Anyway so when Guptaji moved to the house next door and we saw his Chetak,we all felt very nostalgic.But Guptaji turned out not only to be a man with classy choice but very smart indeed.And i am going to tell you why in a little bit.Just read on.

Word soon spread about some secret breakfast that Mrs Gupta was preparing.And as it is with rumours soon enough everyone wanted to drop by Gupta’s for a healthy delicious meal.One day i was able to catch up with Mr Gupta for a morning joy and he finally revealed the secret.Well not so secret now but its worth sharing πŸ™‚

Cereals were always a favorite for breakfast.Guptaji told me about a hundred mouth-watering recipes that Mrs Gupta prepares with Kellogg’s Corn flakes and Muesli. Of them my most favorite he described was Kellogg’s Date shake.I never knew so much innovation was possible over breakfast with just 1/2 cup of Kellogg’s corn flakes and 1/2 cup of Pureed dates and milk.And all this in just 5 mins. No wonder Guptaji seemed like a 25-year-old man in his 40’s.
One more delicious item on the menu was muffin. Corn flakes Walnut Chocolate Muffin.Now if anyone of you can resist a chocolate muffin,let me know how πŸ˜‰ I have been trying for years but a chocolate muffin always makes me a bit weak in the knees.And Guptaji says it’s so easy to prepare with only a cup of Kellogg’,s Corn flakes ,a bit of honey and baking powder and a couple more ingredients.I could hardly keep my jaws from falling apart when he told me the total time for preparation was only 10 mins.

And he told me there were hundreds of such delicious recipes that could be prepared with Kellogg’s products and they were all available online at

Now that is something amazing.Specially for me and the rest of the people who are stuck with Boredom-ness Syndrome – We get bored too easily with anything and real quick.And owing to this habit i had started out to eat unhealthy food because i was too lazy to spend a lot of time in preparation.Guptaji saved my day.

And oh yes – i almost forgot ,he has invited me for breakfast tomorrow morning.I have requested Bhabhiji to prepare those delicious muffins for me !Can’t wait for tomorrow.Just 16 more hours.Tick Tock,Tick Tock !

Note : The above post is written for Kellogg’s India Β #KelloggsWaleGuptaji. (,

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