

In the scorching heat and mirages of deserts,

In the bone-crushing cold corridors of misty mountains,

In the majestic beauty of the vast overwhelming sea,

What do i seek?


Is it my ignorance about the world that drives me or is it my destiny to seek?

In struggles with my daemons everyday,

In my defeats and conquests,

In the quest of an angel within my soul,

In stripping my inner self to the universe,

In all nakedness of my soul ,stripped of shame and fear ,

What do i seek ?

Is it my ignorance about the world that drives me or is it my destiny to seek ?

In this perpetual questioning of my intentions,

In those moments of self-doubt or faith,

In this attempt to understand the true purpose and nature of Life,

In this vivid experiment with thoughts,ideas and visions,

What do i seek ?

Is it my ignorance about the world that drives me or is it my destiny to seek?

In this adventure and quest for knowledge,serenity and love,

Where i often lie to myself,because its easier that way;

I say i want to understand the world,its myths and its truth,

When in fact the only mystical creature i seek to tame and set fee is myself.

I say i wish to unravel the mysteries of Life,

But the truth is ,in the end I seek to understand only my own true nature,

I am a Seeker,i seek Myself,

In the profound depths of space and time.

– Ranjan

In the end ,by all our actions we seek to quench the thirst to understand our own selves.

@Picture :Courtesy of Aswin Pai – my dear friend

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